Updated literature and practice review of odour mitigation and gas control technologies for consideration in Manitoba livestock operations

Project: MLMMI 2017-02-L



  1. Conduct a review of literatures to identify and evaluate odour mitigation technologies in light of their applicability for Manitoba conditions.
  2. Visit hog farms to document the technologies that have been used in North America (Midwest USA and other provinces in Canada), and evaluate these technologies for their applicability for Manitoba conditions.


Dr. Qiang Zhang


Status: In Progress
Started: 2017-09-15
Estimated Completion Date: 2018-08-31

Funding Partners: This project received support from the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative (MLMMI). MLMMI is funded by the Canada and Manitoba governments through Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. MLMMI also receives funds from the Manitoba Pork Council.

Amount Funded: $33,000
Performer Funded: $0.00
Total Cost: $33,000

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms