Literature review in the area of: Separated Manure Solids: Technical and Economic Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices

Project: MLMMI 2012-01-L


To assess and evaluate management practices for separated solids that are in commercial use and provide information on:

  1. Storage of separated manure solids
  2. Transportation and application of separated manure solids
  3. Post processing of separated solids
  4. Agronomic considerations
  5. Market Value of separated manure solids


Dr. Nazim Cicek
University of Manitoba


Status: Completed
Started: 2012-07-01
Completed: 2013-06-01

Funding Partners: who have contributed to MLMMI in support of this project:
This project is funded by the Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative (ARDI) under the Canada-Manitoba Growing Forward Initiative - $14,000
Manitoba Pork Council - $14,000

Amount Funded: $28,000.00
Performer Funded: $0.00
Total Cost: $28,000.00


Progress report due October 1, 2012
Final report due December 31, 2012


Note to Reader concerning Phosphorous Redistribution Projects

In order to comply with current provincial manure management regulations, livestock producers in phosphorus surplus areas of Manitoba have to implement ways to redistribute nutrients to phosphorus deficient areas. The Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative (MLMMI) is undertaking a series of projects to find effective affordable solutions for producers. This report is one of these projects.

All options available to producers in phosphorus surplus areas are under consideration. These include but are not limited to manure separation, manure handling and storage, and liquid manure transportation. This report is only one of many options that are under consideration.

This report gathered and assessed scientific and other reports on solids-processing technologies and practices according to their appropriateness to Manitoba. The criteria used in this assessment included success at a commercial scale, use in other jurisdictions and economic viability. It is recommended that farmers needing to export P from their farm choose a separation technology and export system that matches their particular needs in terms of spearation efficiency, length of on-farm storage time, distance to receiving farm, local market demands, and availability of waste carbon sources (for compost operations). Finding the correct solution to excess manure phosphorus on Manitoba farms will come on a farm by farm basis, with each farm assessing their needs and resources, and those of the community around them.


Final Report

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms