Whole Farm Nutrient Balance Project

Project: MLMMI 2010-01


  1. Determine the energy and nutrient digestibility of feed ingredients (zero-tannin faba bean, Corn DDGS, Corn-Wheat DDGS) in nursery and grower-finisher pigs
  2. Establish available nutrient profiles for feed ingredients for diet formulation in subsequent performance trials
  3. Assess the growth and carcass performance of nursery and grower finisher pigs fed diets with different inclusion rates of feed ingredients
  4. Determine water consumption rates of grower-finisher pigs fed diets with different inclusion rates of feed ingredients
  5. Determine the levels of P, N and other nutrients in the manure as well as manure volume and consistency from nursery and finisher pigs fed diets with different inclusion rates of ingredients
  6. Evaluate the results and determine the value of ingredients in swine diets and the Manitoba swine industry


Puratone Corporation


Status: Completed
Started: 2010-10-01
Completed: 2012-09-01

Funding Partners: who have contributed to MLMMI in support of this project:
Manitoba Pork Council - $17,106.38
Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative (ARDI) under the Canada-Manitoba Growing Forward Initiative - $17,106.38

Amount Funded: $34,212.00
Performer Funded: $330,947.00
Total Cost: $365,160.00


Progress report #1 due April 1, 2011.
Progress report #2 due October 1, 2011.
Final report due April 1, 2012.


Producers are always looking to improve the diets fed to their pigs as feed accounts for 70% of the cost of growing a pig. Imported Soybean Meal (SBM) and corn derived Dried Distillers Grain with Solubles (cDDGS) are commonly formulated into least cost diets because of their nutrient profiles and availability. The use of imported ingredients means a disproportionate amount of nutrients are entering the province. Ideally nutrients should cycle through the environment with limited importation. The use of locally grown ingredients would minimize the importation of nutrients into the province.

This study found that locally sourced zero-tannin faba beans and corn-wheat DDGS (cwDDGS; 90% corn 10% wheat; Minnedosa, Manitoba) could be used to replace SBM and cDDGS.


First progress report
Final Report

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms