Economic Feasibility Study to Determine the Cost and Market Effectiveness of SEI Technology for Eliminating Odours from Hog Manure

Project: MLMMI 99-01-34


1.) Determine the changes in chemistry of pit storage due to recycling of treated effluent.
2.) Estimate the cost and storage requirements for storing treated sludge.
3.) Determine the impact of optimization of the treatment process on the technology cost and sludge characteristics.
4.) Conduct a detailed cost analysis of the technology and determine the net cost to the producer.


Guranathan Lakshman,
Systems Ecotechnologies Inc.


Status: Completed
Started: 1999-10-26
Completed: 2000-03-06

Funding Partners: who have contributed to MLMMI in support of this project:
MRAC - $7,000
Manitoba Pork Council and industry groups - $8,000

Amount Funded: $15,000.00
Performer Funded: $10,000.00
Total Cost: $25,000.00


Request granted to extend project to March 6/00 from January 6/00.
Final Report received March 6/00.
Further Development: Next stage will be a full-scale pilot study.


This project is a sequel to an odour-control technology developed by System Ecotechnologies Inc. (SEI) funded by the Manitoba Intensive Livestock Manure Management Initiative (MLMMI). It consists of a two-stage chemical treatment process which results in a significant settling of solids and elimination of odours from the untreated hog manure. The primary objective of this project was to determine the economic feasibility of application of SEI technology under various operating conditions.


Full Report

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms