Purchase of a Jerome Meter for the Measurement of Hydrogen Sulfide from Livestock Operations

Project: MLMMI 99-01-33


To provide researchers in Manitoba with the ability to analyze air samples for hydrogen sulfide. This will enhance research and service capacity of the U of M odour research lab currently equipped with an olfactometer.


Qiang Zhang,
University of Manitoba


Status: Completed
Started: 2000-03-27
Completed: 2000-03-27

Funding Partners: who have contributed to MLMMI in support of this project:
ARDI - $10,356
Manitoba Pork Council and industry groups - $10,357

Amount Funded: $20,713.00
Performer Funded: $0.00
Total Cost: $20,713.00


Project completed at equipment purchase. Hydrogen suiphide analysis available by arrangement with University of Manitoba.


To provide Manitoba researchers access to equipment to measure hydrogen sulfide levels in air samples through the services of the University of Manitoba odour research laboratory. Hydrogen sulfide analysis is available through the Department of Biosystems Engineering at the University of Manitoba.

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms